I’ll say up front that I’m not very good at Facebook. I don’t know how to use my Facebook Page ‘tactically’ At the time of writing, I’ve got 82 page likes, for which I’m grateful. I thought that meant that when I post something, the people who have liked my page would see it. Recently, however, I noticed that the ‘Total Reach’ figures dropped to an average of about 15 to 25. Apparently, ‘Total Reach’ is the number of people who saw my Page post. I don’t know if that means my post showed up somewhere for my 82 likers but only 25 of those people noticed it by interacting with it somehow, or if some other rule applies. Anyway, my drop in ‘Total Reach’ figures seemed to coincide with the new ‘Boost Post’ option that appeared on my Facebook Page. Initially, I thought, there’s no way I’m going to get involved in paying to get my posts in front of more people. After a few weeks, though, prompted by my hope to increase the number of views for one of my YouTube videos, I relented and gave it a go. What happened next? Tune in next time, folks, for the second instalment – including the startling change in my ‘Total Reach’ number. Was it worth it…….? (Please subscribe to my blog using the boxes in the side bar, or from my Home Page, so that you don’t miss the next instalment. Thank you.)